
Monday, 3 June 2013

Thank You Apple

So it has been almost 4 years since I got my Mac Book Pro. Purchased in the UK, delivered into the hands of a friend and opened in a classroom,  I just want to take a moment, lean back and think of all the things that I have achieved with this laptop.

Those large RAW format photographs I saved and processed, shot on various occasions, made beautiful with photoshop...

Carrying it in my backpack and saving files in the midst of serious protests and riots... and uploading files on sites overnight..

Editing heavy duty video files for University assignments and making those birthday videos in the nick of time...Those priceless smiles..

Exporting numerous videos into news reports for TV, documentaries and short films and delivering them minutes before deadlines...

Countless movies watched alone and with friends...

This laptop holds the record for watching most number of youtube videos and zero porn... *cough cough*

Not to forget how I learnt to play the guitar, the music sheet was my laptop screen...

How it became a public computer to play songs, messing with facebook statuses on unattended accounts...

And all those extra attachment of 1 TB and 2 TB hard disks now and then....

All of these and this awesome piece of machine handled everything so smooth. Never has it let me down, never have I complained. Cherished every single moment of owning a Mac. Not once has my Mac stuck nor have I formatted it or taken it for service.

I salute the people who have dedicated themselves and produced such hardware and technology that a PC can never achieve.

Yesterday, again, when all the PC's in the conference room failed to play a file and crashed due to heavy file size, this hero streamed it like a boss and saved my arse.

Time and time again, this machine has proved its worthiness and still works like a charm.

Thank You Macintosh Apple. Thank You.

On the clouds high up above are some angels playing the harp and Steve Jobs is relaxing munching on an apple he just took a bite from. He says, "You're Welcome".

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